Early concerns about your child
If you have concerns about your child’s health or behaviour you should make an appointment with your GP. Your GP will be able to make a ‘referral’ for an assessment for your child from a specialist team or doctor. You may also find it helpful to talk to other people who know your child such as staff at your child’s school.
Support in hospital
Children with disabilities or health conditions sometimes experience many visits to hospital, or long stays in hospital. Kindred is able to provide support to families at the Royal Hospital for Sick Children in Edinburgh and at the Glasgow Children’s Hospital. If your child has a hospital consultant we may also be able to assist by liaising with your consultant.
Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
Children and young people aged 0-18 years are referred to CAMHS if there are significant concerns about their mental health or wellbeing and when their difficulties are impacting upon their day- to-day life. CAMHS teams provide treatment and support for conditions such as depression, anxiety and eating disorders. The teams also provide diagnosis for conditions including Autism Spectrum Disorder and Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Your GP can make a referral to CAMHS and your child’s school may also assist with a referral.
Genetic diagnosis
Techniques for establishing a genetic diagnosis are improving very rapidly. You may be offered the opportunity to be tested for a diagnosis. Your child should be assessed and provided with the appropriate services even if they do not have a diagnosis. However, finding a cause can be helpful and reassuring and help to make sense of your child’s signs and symptoms. You may also find a genetic diagnosis helpful in explaining your child’s condition to your friends and family.
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