Children with additional needs may need extra support in school, or you may feel that your child needs to attend a different school provision such as a language unit, another mainstream school or a special school. Depending on where you live, Kindred may be able to assist you with finding the right provision for your child. When required, the Education Department delivers the extra support in partnership with other agencies (i.e. NHS Therapy Services, Social Work Department).
For more information about support for learning in your region see:
Find out more about:
Enquire is the Scottish advice service for Additional Support for Learning. The Enquire Helpline number is 0345 123 2303.
As well as answering your questions on the phone, Enquire has many useful publications including ‘A Parent’s Guide to Additional Support for Learning’. Please check the Enquire website for further resources
Let's Talk ASN Scotland
Let’s Talk ASN Scotland is run by Govan Law Centre in partnership with Barnardos. The service provides advocacy support for families with a right of reference to the ASN Tribunal for Scotland. It is funded by the Scottish Government.
You can find out more on 0141 440 2503 or by emailing or at
Presumption of Mainstream education – what does that mean?
The Eduction Department must start with the assumption that a child will be educated in mainstream school unless/until the child is assessed as requiring specialist provision.
If you have any concerns about your child’s education and his/her additional needs are met, you can contact your school and discuss this with them.
Special schools – what is available?
If your child’s needs cannot be met in mainstream school, there are other options available:
- Language and Communication Classes (Primary only) – based in a mainstream school, these are small classes with staff experienced in teaching children with specific language impairments. Inclusion in some mainstream school activities are encouraged.
- Learning Support Bases (Secondary only) – this differs from a Language Class, as the pupils are integrated in mainstream lessons for as much of the curriculum as possible, and use the Support Base to get additional support.
- Special Schools (Primary and Secondary) – schools for children with moderate learning difficulties to severe learning disabilities.
- Independent Special Schools – some special schools are run independently of local authority education departments and provide specialist support for particular groups of children.
Special schools – how to apply?
You can apply for a specialist provision by making a ‘placing request’, stating how the school of your choice would be best meet your child’s educational needs. If you are thinking of a school place for the beginning of the school year in August, then you must make your request in writing by 15th March of the same year.
For information on how and when to submit a ‘placing request’, you can contact your child’s Educational Psychologist or the Enquire ASL Helpline.
Educational Psychological Services
Each school has a named Educational Psychologist. They work with the school and other professionals, using their expertise in psychology and child development to improve the educational outcomes for children and families.
For information about their role (within City of Edinburgh Council) here.
If you have concerns about your child’s education you can ask your school to contact their Educational Psychologist who will advise you about assessment of your child’s needs.
Individualised Educational Plan – IEP
An IEP is a teaching plan for your child. This is used when a child’s needs require adaptations to the teaching delivery. This document lists education targets and how the teaching is adapted to help the child meet these targets and reach his/her potential.
Coordinated Support Plan – CSP
When children have support needs and requires significant input from agencies other that the Education Department (i.e. NHS Therapists, Social Work Dept), they may be entitled to a Coordinated Support Plan. Before a CSP is written, an application needs to be made and a consultation with all agencies conducted to clarify if the child meets the criteria.
Once a CSP is in place, it is reviewed every 12 months.
For more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
More in this section
- Accessing grants
- Benefits
- Assistance with Heating and Energy Bills
- Blue badge
- Carer’s Allowance
- Child Disability Payment in Scotland
- Council Tax Reduction
- Direct Payments
- Housing – New Supply Shared Equity (NSSE)
- Motability
- Personal independence Payments (PIP) for adults (over 16’s)
- Respite and Short Breaks
- Social Work Assessment (Section 23)
- Tax credits (Child Tax Credit and Working Tax Credit)
- Child and adolescent mental health services
- Health
- Housing
- Jargon buster
- Self-Directed Support
- Social work